Debbie Hammond
Last summer Taylor Pond became home to a loon nesting platform launched by
resident volunteers in partnership with Maine Audubon Society. The platform,
essentially a floating island designed to protect a loon nest from predators, was moved
to the north end of the pond (by the inlet) this summer in hopes of attracting a nesting
pair of loons. Audubon staff recommended the new location for its calmer water and
hopefully less boat traffic. Experts recommend watching loon behavior on the platform
from a 50 yard distance with binoculars so as not to interfere with nesting.
In 2023, the official loon count included two pairs of adult loons on Taylor Pond. This
year’s loon count is scheduled for July 20. There have been early sitings of a pair of
loons on and around the platform; time will tell if a loon family ensues and there are
chicks to count this year! In the meantime, some of the greatest dangers to nesting
loons are excessive boat wakes which flood nests and disturbance by people who get
too close to the nest. Please give these loons plenty of space this summer!