Committed to maintaining the water quality of Taylor Pond in order to preserve wildlife habitat, protect property values and safeguard recreational oportunities.
Native Swamp Loosestrife growing along the edge of Taylor Pond hang over the water. Close-up of the bright lavender flowers of loosestrife.Broad-leaved Arrowhead. Note the floating arrow-shaped leaves and three-petaled flowers.Fragrant Water-Lilly, late in the season but still spectacular. The lower leaf is patterned with insect burrows.Buttonbush, aptly named for its unique flowers, colonizes the wetland swamps around the pond and attracts hordes of bees.Pickerelweed with purple flowers live in shallow water, an emergent Fragrant Water-lily in the foreground.Spotted Touch-me-not thrives in shaded wetlands.Bullhead-lily with large floating leaves and an emergent yellow flower lives in shallow water all around the pond.