Dana Little

In June of 2023 Taylor Pond Association conducted a Watershed Survey which reviewed every property in the watershed; volunteers visited most of those properties. The results of that survey were posted on our website www.taylorpond.org (see December 11, 2023 post). In follow-up, Taylor Pond Association has worked with Androscoggin Valley Soil and Water Conservation District (AVSWCD) to apply for federal funding to reduce “nonpoint source pollution”. Nonpoint source pollution comes primarily from erosion of soil into the pond. Soil washing into the pond carries phosphorus which promotes algae growth and can cause a decrease in water quality. Overgrowth of algae can be unsightly, smell bad, and produce chemicals that can be toxic to wildlife, pets and even people.

The grant was submitted in May 2024, requesting between up to $150,000 toward improvement of the Taylor Pond watershed. A funding decision won’t be made until this fall. If funded, the federal grant money would cover 60 percent of the total project cost and require local funding of the remaining 40 percent. Local dollars could include labor, materials, and equipment used in funded projects. We contacted people, businesses, and road associations eligible for federal matching dollars by letter this spring. We also contacted the towns of Minot and Auburn to coordinate efforts to address issues identified in the survey.

While only the largest projects are included in this federal matching grant opportunity, Taylor Pond Association still offers local LakeSmart matching grants of up to $500 to property owners who want to make their shoreline more lake friendly by decreasing sources of soil erosion into the pond. Association volunteers will conduct a LakeSmart property evaluation and make recommendations for improvements that will keep the pond healthy.

We are fortunate to be working with Emma Lorusso, Project Manager with AVSWCD who wrote the watershed survey reports and federal grant application. If our project is funded, she will coordinate these efforts. Ms. Lorusso will speak at our annual meeting this year to present the survey data, review the grant process and answer questions. The annual meeting is on Sunday, August 25, 2024 starting 7 pm at Taylor Pond Yacht Club.

Collecting data at an erosion site on Wyman Road, June 3rd, 2023.