Matthew Scott spoke at our Annual Meeting August 27, 2023. The slides for his talk can be found here. Matt created the Maine DEP Lakes Program in 1970 and after working for the State of Maine for 42 years retired from his most recent position as Deputy Commissioner for Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. A list below tallies some of his other accomplishments:
- Past Chairman, Maine Board of Environmental Protection Term expired June 29, 2011
- BS, and MA University of Maine, Orono
- American Fisheries Society, Certified Fisheries Scientist # 617, 1970 — Emeritus status
- American Institute of Fishery Research Biologists, Fellow, 1979 — Emeritus status
- North American Lake Management Society, Past President, 1988 – Emeritus status
- Expertise in Maine freshwater fisheries, water quality and aquatic biology
- Master Maine Guide License since 1970; Member of the MPGA
- Life member of SAM
- Beekeeping hobbyist for 59 years with lectures and education
- Volunteer and bro bono lectures, reviews and work for Maine non profits