We had a successful day despite drenching rain, wind and cool weather, we visited over 800 properties in the watershed. We had seven teams of three or more people who spread out over the area in seven separate sectors to cover over 13 square miles. A technical expert led each team, four paid for by Taylor Pond Association (TPA) and three paid for by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). Twenty-four volunteers provided valuable assistance. A team with Alaina Chormann from the DEP, Emma Lorusso from Androscoggin Soil and Water Conservation District; Barbara Mitchell and Dana Little from the board of Taylor Pond Association, led the effort. Results will be tabulated by Emma and presented to TPA when completed. Sites of soil erosion into the pond were identified and each given a priority score based on the severity of the problem. Once the final report is completed, the TPA board will have a blueprint on how to keep our pond healthy.